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The Inner Game of Tennis - by W. Timothy Gallwey, 1974

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The main takeaways of the book:

Almost all human activity is composed of two parts:

it makes more sense to focus on the inner game - to play the inner game
as the mental skills we develop can ge generally applied to all ascpects of life

Prioritize Internal Needs vs External demands - to be in sync with yourself and more resilient to stress

The two selves

To explain mental processes, let's imagine that each person has two selfes:

Self1 - the teller, the ego-mind, expresses itself verbally - tries to hard, tries to control, is judgemental, always looking for approval and avoiding  disapproval
Self2 - the doer, expresses itself through body movements, has a great abilities, good instincts and natural learning capabilities (the human brain and body is a remarkable instrument)

Quieting Self1 - Letting go of judgements

Communication with Self2

Technical Instruction for Tennis

Instructions always originate in a certain experience and feeling of an exceptional athlete, and then words are used to try to communicate those feelings to others

Changing habits

Ways of learning:

i am bad, i need to improve
accepting this self critique and trying to compensate for it - is neither enjoyable nor rewarding
you are good enough, accepting yourself - and look at improvement as an extra activity not something you need to do in order fix yourself
abandoning the ego, stop caring about what other people think

Focus & Concentration